Sunday 4 September 2011

My google internship experience

There are a lot of people out there that what to apply for a Google internship. I had the chance to experience this procedure and get accepted for the internship. That's how all started..
I participated at a Google hackathon 2 months ago. After some discussion I had with one of the Googles there, he asked me if I would like to have an internship with google as part of my Phd. He explained me that I could work in a project related to my research and that they usually hire people during summer but are really flexible to the starting and ending time since I am a full time phd student..
The next step was asking for my supervisor's advice. He was really positive and supportive - he also mention to me that If I needed a reference letter he could write a good one for me.
so I emailed that Googler saying that I was interested. He then forwarded my email to a recruiter woman who explained me the procedure - she would be the person that would guide me through my application.
The procedure is consisted of 3 interviews +1 in total. An informal chat at the beginning, and 2 technical interviews. In all 3 interviews you need to be prepared to talk about you and your interests and why you think that working at Google will be helpful for your career. During the two technical interviews, I had to answer to questions mainly regarding data stractures- sorting and identifying duplicates. I also had to program two functions (one for each interviews) in a google doc that I was sharing with the interviewer. Again the algorithms had to do with data stractures-sorting and duplicated with some minor "tricky" points.
And that was it.
After each of the interviews I was getting feedback from my recruiter, saying that I did well. After the finish of the last technical interview- I got an email saying that I was now in the pool and project managers could select me to join their projects. I had to fill out a form with my main interests and the locations I would like to work.
Last week she told me that a project manager from Zurich was interested about my profile. The project manager called me and we had a little chat about his project. Just after that phone call my recruiter called again, saying that the manager was really happy and thinks that I would be a good fit in his project. However, the project he was talking about first needs to be accepted for developing by Google, and then they can hire me and other software engineers to work for the project. On Friday my recruiter send me an email saying that she has news and wants to have a phone call with me!
The phone rings after two days.. I have an offer for working in zurich:)

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